
Nanjing Efg Co., Ltd. Has specialized in Fiberglass Materials Supplies Since 2003.

How long is delivery time of fiberglass mat?
You can check the estimated delivery time of each product at the “Product” page. But there are many factors affecting the delivery time, such as the ordering quantity, manufacturing requirement, extra quality test requirements, the destination and the shipping method, and so on. Contact our team and tell us all your requirements. After all detailed are confirmed, we can offer more accurate delivery time and promise on-time delivery. At Nanjing EFG Co., Ltd., our goal is always to have your order delivered as fast as possible.
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Drawing on industry experience, EFG Fiberglass Materialsis the leading brand in the chopped strand mat field. fibre de verre is one of EFG Fiberglass Materials's multiple product series. The design of EFG Fiberglass Materialsspunbond polyester mat is appealing and is carefully designed by our designers. Its function of heat resistance makes it popular among different fields. People may surprise to realize that the details of this product are well taken care of to easily match their bathroom designs. Its longitudinal strength has been improved a lot.
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We aim to win the markets by quality. We will always maintain quality superiority by enhancing R&D ability and adopting international cutting-edge manufacturing technologies.

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