
Nanjing Efg Co., Ltd. Has specialized in Fiberglass Materials Supplies Since 2003.

How about sales of fiber mesh tape of EFG Fiberglass Materials?
A significant growth momentum is shown in the sales of Nanjing EFG Co., Ltd.fiber mesh tape in international market. Since the launch on the market, it has been exported to many overseas markets. It has won recognition and praise from the market and customers for its excellent cost performance.
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EFG Fiberglass Materials is a professional company engaged in the R&D, design, and manufacturing of composite mats for sale for many years. We will show you the pipe wrapping series that is most popular with customers. The product is stain-resistant. Its body, especially the surface has been treated by a protective sleek layer to guard against any contamination. The product has an improved tensile strength. This product only consumes little power. Users will find out how energy efficient it is after they receive the electricity bills. With the feature of excellent tear resistance, it has a prolonged service life.
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To exceed our customers’ expectations, we ensure our manufacturing process works seamlessly and create long-term financial, physical and social value.

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