
Nanjing Efg Co., Ltd. Has specialized in Fiberglass Materials Supplies Since 2003.

Why should I turn to EFG?
Nanjing EFG Co., Ltd.stands out among other manufacturers on the market. In this competitive society, we believe that innovation pushes a brand to develop and grow, so we set our very own professional R&D team to develop new versions of EFG Fiberglass Materialsto keep up with the trend. Professional support staff constituted by our experienced staff is highly valued by customers for the skills and expert consideration.
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Being a trustworthy and professional manufacturer and supplier of spunbond polyester mat, EFG Fiberglass Materials has been highly recognized in the industry. EFG Fiberglass Materialsis mainly engaged in the business of chopped strand mat and other product series. Strict inspection of wespunbond polyester mat involves different aspects. For example, its insulation materials will be inspected in terms of arc resistance and electric leakage resistance which may form a conductive path or cause mechanical damage. Being widely recognized by more customers, it turns out to be applicable in the industry. It is free of toxic substances.
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By implementing the tenet of customer first, the quality of fiberglass material can be guaranteed. Inquiry!

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