
Nanjing Efg Co., Ltd. Has specialized in Fiberglass Materials Supplies Since 2003.

What are key manufacturers for fibreglass strands ?
Nanjing EFG Co., Ltd. is one of the crucial manufacturers to get fibreglass strands in China. Our guarantee is to supply you with the best buying experience from our very first meeting through the years of care. Our values will be reflected from how we conduct business, constantly acting legitimately and frankly with respect both for employees and customers.
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EFG Fiberglass Materials enjoys an increasing reputation in the field of fiberglass tape roll, and gradually takes an important role. The fiberglass chopped strands is one of the main products of EFG Fiberglass Materials. This product has the required strength. It has been tested according to standards such as MIL-STD-810F to evaluate its construction, materials, and mounting for ruggedness. It has the characteristics of uniform texture. The food can be preserved for a long time. This has been proved by our customers who use this product for over 2 years. The product doesn't have odor at all.
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We value sustainability in our development. We will work to advance low-carbon and responsible investing by facilitating the provision of socially responsible products to the market.

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